I also want to keep my food real--I don't want to be eating a lot of "food-like substances" - food that is highly processed and full of additives/preservatives.
So, here is today's example of my Real Breakfast:

~My favorite morning hot beverage: Black tea (no flavorings, organic if possible) with a spoonful of raw local honey and a splash of milk (again, organic if possible).
~A glass of Kefir - Homemade or in today's case it's Helios brand plain kefir. It's expensive in the store, but not much more than good yogurt(sometimes less!). I get coupons almost every time for it at MamboSprouts.com.
~A boiled egg, halved. Sprinkled with pepper and Himalayan Sea Salt
~A peach,halved. Sorry, folks, this one isn't organic. Haven't seen any organic ones around, and I know peaches are high on the list for pesticides....but I couldn't pass it up and it was ripe, juicy, and soooo yummy!
So, there is today's breakfast!
Here's to Real Food!
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